Botanical Science


PNAT (Project Nature) is a joint venture between renowned botanist Professor Stefano Mancuso and Therme Group.

PNAT is an emerging think tank of designers and plant scientists with the aim of conceiving creative solutions based on evidence. It uses the comprehension of plants patterns and behaviours to inspire innovative design concepts and products, from the small to the building scale.

The organisation’s preferred field of action is the built environment and its solutions aim at integrating plants within people’s cities, houses and lifestyles. PNAT’s goal is to set-up synergic relationships and provoke mutual exchanges between the natural and the artificial environment.

Following these design goals, PNAT developed a botanical filtration unit called Fabbrica dell’Aria (Air Factory). This innovative technology enhances the capacity of plants to absorb and degrade up to 98 percent of atmospheric pollutants. Therme Group is exploring the possibility of introducing Fabbrica dell’Aria into its current and future resorts.

Stefano Mancuso has been working as a university professor (professore ordinario) at the University of Florence since 2001 and is a member of the Accademia dei Georgofili. Mancuso is a founding member of the “International Society for Plant Signaling & Behavior” and director of the 2005 founded LINV “Laboratorio Internazionale di Neurobiologia Vegetale”.

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